2020 is now fully booked!
Pooch perfect is no longer taking on new clients and will be closing for the year on Sat, Dec 19, 2020. We will reopen on Jan 4. Booking...
500th Dogiversary!
Records confirm, as of September 2020, Pooch Perfect has resolved the behavioural issues of over 500 dogs/families, since its...
Advice for First-time Puppy Parents!
I get a lot of calls from first-time puppy parents who have a puppy between 8 and 16 weeks of age calling about behaviour problems. True...
COVID-19 Measures Updated June 28, 2021
June 28 2021 I usually train dogs in people's homes, so making sure I, my family, and my clients are safe is a very important thing! I...
The Problems with Punishment
This blog is part of a series on training methods and training advice. Other blogs in this series can be found in the links at the...

What are Punishment and Reinforcement?
This blog is part of a series on training methods and training advice. The other blogs in this series can be found in the links at the...
Do I need a trainer for this?
This blog is part of a series on training methods and training advice. In the first blog, I caution readers to take internet advice with...
The Pooch Perfect Guide to Training Methods, Internet and Television Advice... *including our own!
Please read this article before taking any internet training advice -- including advice from this site! A lot of dog owners (including...
Training Truisms: Truthiness You Can Trust
Pooch Perfect has gathered a few training truisms that you might find helpful as you navigate training issues with your dog -- in fact,...
Training Techniques Used and Promoted by Pooch Perfect
A lot of people ask about the training methods Pooch Perfect uses. That's a good question, but most people are confused about what a...